Crazy Game of Poker

That was a crazy game of poker

I lost it all.

O.A.R. That Was A Crazy Game of Poker

In the news this week was a story out of Washington State where a bill was going through the legislature. This bill was designed to address working conditions and ensure that nurses had appropriate breaks during their shifts. As a part of the process an amendment was introduced to exclude critical access hospitals from this bill.

State Senator Maureen Walsh argued for an amendment to exclude these hospitals or to limit nursing shifts to 8 hours per day, but in her argument stated that nurses, “probably play cards for a considerable part of the day.” The CNN report is here.

I am no politician, but I can not understand how someone could possibly think that insulting an entire profession would help sway support for her argument. Nurses are some of the hardest working, devoted people I know. Full disclosure: I married one. Not only that, I was a patient where nurses took care of me when I was in college and seriously sick. I also work with nurses every day in my office, in the operating room, and in the floors of the hospital. They are the front line and keep patients safe. They are often the first ones to identify when something is not right and save patients on a daily basis. Insulting this noble profession is not a good idea.

Take it from someone with experience. Do not make nurses mad. They remember everything!