Why a Blog

“I keep a diary in order to enter the wonderful secrets of my life.  If I didn’t write them down I should probably forget all about them.”  Cecily Cardew, The Importance of Being Ernest, by Oscar Wilde.

Why start a blog in 2019?  Aren’t there enough blogs out there?  These are the questions I have asked myself before starting this endeavor.  The truth is this blog is for me more than it is for anyone else.  I enjoy writing. It has not always been this way.  When I was at Lakeland High School and Furman University, I did not enjoy writing.  The reason was never that I did not enjoy the writing–it was the ambiguity of grading that I did not enjoy.

Leonardo Da Vinci said, “there is no certainty in sciences where mathematics cannot be applied.”  This is the reason I was always drawn to math and science.  There was typically an answer (at least in the early courses).  I liked taking tests and knowing if I got the right answer that I would get full credit.

Lately, I have enjoyed writing.  I have enjoyed putting my thoughts down on paper and have been pretty diligent over the past year about keeping a journal.  At first, I was somewhat inspired by Walter Isaacson’s biography of Leonardo Da Vinci who kept so many interesting hand written journals, but I had to quickly abandon the hand written journal in favor of an electronic journal.

In his book, Well-Designed, Jon Kolko, describing strategy says, “if you don’t write it down, there’s little chance that anyone will remember it, believe in it, or act on it.”  I primarily plan to write these posts for myself, but if someone else can learn something, or be inspired from them, why not share them?  I have heard Jordan Harbinger, podcast host of The Jordan Harbinger Show, say that when you start a podcast it should be done as if no one will ever listen to it.  I am taking that approach with my blog as well, but if someone reads it and can get something out of it, then why not?